Mid-day meal scheme extended to class VIII
Initially, the decision will benefit 20,000 students of 175 schools of Ahmedabad, G’nagar dists
By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Wednesday, December 17, 2008 (Ahmedabad Mirror)
The scheme has played a vital role in arresting drop-out rateThe Central government has decided to extend its Mid-Day Meal scheme upto class VIII. Presently, the scheme covers only primary students till class VII. The decision will be implemented in phased manner in June next year. Initially, around
20,000 students of 175 schools from Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar districts will be covered under this scheme. Of the 175 schools, 50 are from Ahmedabad city, 93 from Ahmedabad rural and the remaining are from Gandhinagar district.
By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Wednesday, December 17, 2008 (Ahmedabad Mirror)
The scheme has played a vital role in arresting drop-out rateThe Central government has decided to extend its Mid-Day Meal scheme upto class VIII. Presently, the scheme covers only primary students till class VII. The decision will be implemented in phased manner in June next year. Initially, around

A meeting of school principals in this regard was held recently.Officials in Education Department said: “Poor financial condition of the family leads to school drop outs, especially after class VII. We will implement this scheme in a few schools initially, and later on will cover other schools.”The scheme has played vital role in keeping a check on school drop out rate. But experts opine that the drop out rate has gone up in class VIII. Considering experts’ opinion, the Mid-Day Meal scheme is now being extended to class VIII.
The scheme, which was announced by Prime Minister in 2007, provides free education along with mid-day meal to the primary students. The objective of the programme is to provide quality secondary education to primary students and check the school drop out rate.