GLS vows safe vans for kids

GLS will make sure school vans adhere to guidelines set by the Gujarat HC through a tripartite agreement between van owners, parents and school management
By Yogesh Avasthi
Posted On Tuesday, December 09, 2008 (Ahmedabad Mirror Cover Story)

The GLS’ move will ensure the van owners dont carry more than 12 kids and the vehicle will be fitted with a fire extinguisher, safety door locks, window grills and a first-aid kit
To ensure students’ safety on school vans, the Gujarat Law Society (GLS), which oversees the functioning of four leading primary schools in the city, has decided to bind van owners, parents and its own school management in a legal agreement.
From the next academic year, the GLS, which has under its banner C U Shah Primary School, N R Primary School, GLS Primary School and K N Primary School, will make it mandatory for vehicle owners and parents to enter into a tripartite agreement with school managements.This will be done to ensure that every single guideline set for the school vans by the Gujarat High Court in April 2006 is followed (see box on Page 4). The agreement will be renewed every year. As per the agreement, every vehicle carrying children of GLS-governed schools will be registered with the education body.
The parents will be provided with the registration number of the vehicle their children will travel in. It will also be ensured that children always travel in the same vehicle that is assigned to them, unless there is an emergency. The GLS will provide every driver registered in its schools with mobile phones, the numbers of which will be provided to the parents.
Contact details of the van owners will also be given to the parents.The move is a big step forward, considering how the van drivers stuff students in their vehicles without an iota of care for the children’s safety. On two occasions, Ahmedabad Mirror had highlighted how school vans flout every rule in the book in their greed to carry maximum students to and from school (When will we learn, October 1 and Vans of death..., November 27).
The GLS’ move will ensure the van owners shall carry not more than 12 kids and the vehicle will be fitted with a fire extinguisher, safety door locks, window grills and a first aid kit.The legal bind will also ensure that drivers don’t exceed the speed limit of 20 kmph set for the school vehicles by the High Court. The agreement will also come as a huge relief to the parents, who are often helpless when it comes to choosing the mode of their children’s daily commute to school.
No compromise on our kids’ safety – Sudhir Nanavati, Executive VP, GLSAhmedabad Mirror had spoken to a few parents, who said the van drivers refused to stick to 12 students per vehicle despite being offered extra money as compensation (I know my child is at risk, but do I have a choice? November 20).
At least for parents of kids studying in the GLS-controlled schools, the nightmare will soon be a thing of past. The parents will be relieved as there will be no overcrowding in the school vehicles, some of which carry up to 20 children at times and are not even able to shut the van doors.
Giving details of the agreement between vehicle owners, parents and schools, the GLS’ managing director, Sudhir Nanavati, who is also an eminent lawyer and a cricket administrator, said the bond will be water-tight and vehicle owners will face harsh punishment if they violate the agreement.Said Nanavati, “We are absolutely strict about not allowing more than 12 kids inside a school van. It should not be more than 12.
Apart from that, we will insist on complete details of the vehicle owners and drivers that deal with our students.”When asked about possible action school vans face for breaking the agreement, Nanavati said, “That vehicle owner will be immediately barred from carrying children from our schools and will also be blacklisted. If parents doesn’t comply, we will take action against their children.” He added, “From January 15, we will start parents’ counselling regarding their children’s safety.
We will impress upon them that at no stage should they compromise with their kids’ safety.”
Guidelines set by the Gujarat High Court for school vans include:
1: Not more than 12 students and a driver should board the van.
2: The words School Vehicle should be inscribed in bold in the front and the rear of the vehicle.
3: The schools must insist on drivers’ character and medical certificates, address proof and a police clearance certificate, apart from a valid driving licence.
4: The van owners’ names, addresses and contact details must be written on every vehicle.
5: Vehicles must be fitted with fire extinguisher, safety door locks, window grills and a first aid kit.
6: Vehicles shall not exceed the speed limit of 20 kmph.7: Adequate space must be created for school bags.

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