Mostly, boys bear brunt of college ragging

According to University Grants Commission’s anti-ragging helpline, more boys get ragged compared to girls Yogesh Avasthi Posted On Saturday, July 27, 2013 A GNLU student’s plea to the University Grants Commission’s anti-ragging helpline for assistance has brought the focus back on the menace of ragging. According to the data released by UGC helpline, more boys fall victim to ragging compared to girls. Since June 2009, the helpline has received 1,908 complaints of ragging of which 1,732 were from boys. From Gujarat, UGC helpline has received 20 complaints of ragging in last four years of which 16 are from boys. An UGC official, on condition of anonymity said, “Most of the complaints that we receive are regarding ragging in college hostels. This year, we have so far received 176 complaints. The data comprises complaints we receive on the helpline. They don’t inc...