Teachers, learn your lessons well

Students of degree engineering and polytechnic colleges will rate their teachers on how good or bad they are. Pilot project initiated at Govt Engineering College, Gandhinagar Yogesh Avasthi Posted On Wednesday, February 06, 2013 http://www.ahmedabadmirror.com/article/2/201302062013020602174737649645eb1/Teachers-learn-your-lessons-well.html Engineering teachers who have not kept pace with the changing times and fail to upgrade their skills as per the requirements, beware! No more will teachers of government degree engineering and polytechnic colleges be able to continue with their outdated methods of teaching and rest assured on their past laurels. Their own students will now wield the power to evaluate how good or bad they are. The Commissionerate of Technical Education has prepared a student’s feedback form whereby every student will grade the teachers of various subjects on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being at the bottom considered ‘poor’ and 5 on the top as ‘excellent’. Variou...